A Proven Leader for Johnston County

Meet Bennett

Bennett is a father, husband, and leader. He is an experienced leader, career educator, and an active member in community and civic groups. Bennett and his family have called Johnston County home for nearly two decades, and he is passionate about serving his community. He is a Republican, a member and past master of Granite Masonic Lodge 191 in Clayton and is a member of the Sudan Shrine. Bennett is also a member of the Clayton Rotary Club and previously served on the Town of Clayton Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. Bennett and his wife Jennifer have been married for twenty four years. His daughter Sydney is a sophomore at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and his son Carson is a high school sophomore.

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Former High School Principal Files For Johnston County Commissioner”

The Issues

Advocacy and Focus Areas

  • Fiscal Accountability

    Sound fiscal decisions by the Commissioners has led to a AAA credit rating for and a reduction in property taxes. Bennett will support economic opportunities while working to hold entities accountable for proper use of taxpayer dollars and working to reduce taxes for residents.

  • Growth

    Johnston County continues to grow at a tremendous pace. It is important that we ensure infrastructure and services are not overburdened. Additionally, Bennett will advocate for individual rights and their property and farms.

  • Public Safety

    The county should continue to invest in pay increases for law enforcement, first responders, and emergency service workers. Bennett will work with leaders to make Johnston County as safe as possible, supporting recruitment activities to add to the existing workforce and working to ensure needed resources are provided.

  • Education

    Our public schools and Johnston Community College should have the resources needed to provide a safe learning environment for all students. Bennett will continue to push workforce courses in schools and support the Commissioner’s Promise to promote students to pursue opportunities for credentials or academic degrees.

“While honoring the rich, positive traditions of the PAST, we must embrace the opportunities of TODAY to build a better TOMORROW for all of Johnston County”

– Bennett Jones


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